•   Welcome Back!

    We will send Homework assignments every day. Your child will complete the homework assignments and return them the following day. Please encourage your child to independently write his/her name.

    Students eat lunch at 10:45 am. 

    We have a bathroom in our classroom and students can use the bathroom at all times. We recommend sending your child to school with clothes that they can easily unfasten on their own. Also be sure to send a change of clothes in case your child has a spill or bathroom accident.

    Dismissal time is at 2:40 pm, it is imperative that we dismiss your child only to the individuals listed on the blue card. So please let me know if anyone else will be picking up your child in advance via email. Kindly remind the adult who will be picking up your child that they must present a photo ID at pick-up time.Please check below for Kindergarten's Arrival/Dismissal Exit.
    Thank you for your cooperation.