
    Welcome to 2nd Grade! P: Come Prepared for my day O: Have Outstanding behaviors W: Work hard in every way Class 2-234B 				Ms


    Dear Families, 


    Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! My name is Jieping LI, and I am pleased to welcome you and your child to Room 234-B at P.S. 329. 

    I am so excited to be  your child’s second grade teacher this year. Every school year is a new opportunity to grow, and I am so excited for your child and I to grow together.

    I believe that strong connections with my students help them become successful learners. My class is a space where mistakes are expected and welcome. I strive to implement technology, hands-on activities, and problem solving activities in my class often.

    Here at P.S. 329, we strive to empower students by holding high expectations in academic areas and beyond. We also believe in the power of family-school relationships. Therefore, I kindly request your support and collaboration through active interaction and open communication with us to make this a successful school year for your child. 

    It is my honor and privilege to be your child’s teacher, and we as a team, will be working tirelessly to uncover every gift of your child, celebrate their achievements, and prepare them for life beyond the classroom.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email at JLI31@schools.nyc.gov.

    You can also reach me through our Google classroom. Please click Here for the link to join.  


    All the best,

    Ms. Li