


    Registration Guidelines 



    Welcome to PS 329!! Please bring your child with you to register! Registration will begin @ 9am. We will need the following documents to register your child:



    A Birth Certificate or passport.


    The very latest Immunization Recor


    Your child's most recent report card/transcript (if available). If your child has an IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan, it is extremely important to bring these also.




    Proof of Residence is also Required. Please bring any two of the following:




    *Original Lease agreement, Deed or Mortgage statement.


    Utility Bill (gas or electric) Must be in the residents name dated within the past 60 days.


    Water Bill for the residence dated within the past 90 days.


    Current property Tax Bill for the residence.


    An Official Payroll document from an employer (Ex. Payroll receipt)


    A Document or letter from a Federal, State or Local Government Agency indicating the resident's name and address. (Ex. IRS document, City Housing Authority, Administration for Children's Services; Must be dated within the past 60 days.

    *If the Original Lease is not in your name, you will need to have a signed Affidavit by the Original Lease holder completed and Notarized. We will provide the Affidavit for you.

    Registration Guidelines

     as additional acceptable proof of residency


    *  A bill for Cable television services provided to the residence;  must include the name and address of the parent and be dated within the past 60 days.

    * State, city or other government issued identification which has not expired and includes the address of residence.

    * Official NYS Driver’s License or learner’s permit which has not expired.

    * Voter registration documents, which include the name and address of the parent.

    * Unexpired membership documents based upon residency that includes parents name and address.

    * Evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship documents dated with the past 60 days with the name of the child and address.

    * Income tax form from the last calendar year.

    * Rent receipt which includes the address; must be dated with the past 60 days.


Last Modified on Tuesday at 3:31 PM